
Facebook comment mirroring

Andrea 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 9

Facebook is again offering comment mirroring (where comments made on a story on our Facebook page are supposed to also show up in the FB social plugin at the bottom of the story -- and vice versa).

Turning comment mirroring "on" in the the Facebook plugin is easy. However, our Blox site is not showing the same comments as our Facebook page.

The Facebook app id has not changed, so I'm not sure where to start with this. I entered a ticket, but thought I would check here in case anyone else has had success with it.


I've never heard of that but I like the idea. So comments on shared links on Facebook would post to that article on our website?

I tried this but it doesn't seem to be working for us either. I waited until today which was the first full day since I activated the mirroring but no luck.

Facebook used to offer it, then took it away. I just noticed it is back, but I can't find any large news outlets that is using it yet. Doing a search for comment mirroring shows that many people are having trouble getting it to work. I don't know if it is worth pursuing yet.

Same issue here. I tried this and worked for two days then i noticed it's not working again.

I have entered a feature request for this. So, hopefully Blox can make it happen.

I am sure Comment Mirroring should be working because I saw a site is doing that just right.

However I am having the same problem. Every settings look right but it's not working for me. Do you guys have any update?

Ours still doesn't work. I haven't really had time to tinker with it though.


Joe, could you provide a link to the site where you saw this?


I posted this on another thread too, but just to give you all the updated as well:

Just FYI... unfortunately Comment Mirroring is being deprecated at Facebook, per this post: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2017/11/07/changes-developer-offerings/

I think we had basically figured out that this wasn't working because Facebook wasn't fully following our redirects (though they do for "likes") but I assume that will not be fixed now.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any updated information.