
What is the url for a specific asset in our Blox (Flex) CMS?

Ashley 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Sweet Zzz 6 years ago 4

Hello, I'm new to TownNews and Blox so forgive the simple question, but how can I get/find a direct url to an individual asset thats hosted in our Blox (Flex) CMS? For example, if I batch import a bunch of pdfs and then search for them in the CMS, I'd like to be able to add a text link to one of them in another CMS for those viewers but I am unclear what the url is for that specific asset. Thanks for your help!



Hi there!

I think the easiest way is to go to the asset, then click on "live view" (under the "preview") button. It will open the live page and you can get the URL from there.

As soon as the asset is saved and publishable, you can get the URL from the live view link. Even before it shows up on the front page or on other pages. So, this is actually a good way to get a URL in order to send it to an email or other places quickly, because it is immediately available.

However, this is how you would link to the PDF page. We would highly caution against linking directly to any binary element, whether it is a photo or a PDF or a video, because sometimes those storage URLs change and will cause broken links. It is pretty rare, but the URL of the files themselves (not the asset URL, but the binary file) may change.


Hi there!

I think the easiest way is to go to the asset, then click on "live view" (under the "preview") button. It will open the live page and you can get the URL from there.

As soon as the asset is saved and publishable, you can get the URL from the live view link. Even before it shows up on the front page or on other pages. So, this is actually a good way to get a URL in order to send it to an email or other places quickly, because it is immediately available.

However, this is how you would link to the PDF page. We would highly caution against linking directly to any binary element, whether it is a photo or a PDF or a video, because sometimes those storage URLs change and will cause broken links. It is pretty rare, but the URL of the files themselves (not the asset URL, but the binary file) may change.

It would be helpful to add a field in the asset in TCMS/CMS that would contain the asset's live URL. This would help when linking past stories inside current content. For instance, when referencing a past story with a link in a sentence, we could simply search for the past story's asset, open it, and copy the URL from a field in the asset, instead of having to click "Live View" to get it. 

We have a feature request in to be able to search and add a link to the asset via a BLOX panel similar to the sibling relationship. So you would highlight some text, click a "link" button in the text editor, find the asset and hit save. It would automatically associate the correct link for you. No copy and paste!


That sounds like a neat feature, Christine, thanks for the reply!

Any way we can get a "Live View" button in TCMS?