
Print view shows ads on FLEX

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 6

Someone just alerted me to the fact that when you click the print icon in a FLEX article the printout includes all of the in-story ads AND any hovering ads. The hovering ads are on every page, usually blocking content.

With Zen when the user clicked the print icon they were taken to a page with "?mode=print" trailing the URL. This mode stripped all of the other elements of the page save for the story and any child assets. It was great.

Here's what FLEX printing looks like...

Image 177



I will enter this as a bug ticket so we'll fix it. Thanks!

If you have the "Next" and "Previous" Article-to-article navigation turned on, you also get that text at the top


I will enter this as a bug ticket so we'll fix it. Thanks!

Has this been placed on the roadmap? We had someone complain and it reminded me to check on the progress.

Is this any closer to getting fixed? We're still having people complain.


Can we expect a bug fix for this soon? It's still a problem two years later.