
​Clarification on Banner Advertisement End Dates

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 8 years ago 3

I’m looking for some clarification on End Dates for banner ads based on some inconsistencies in this example.

Image 182

So how is it supposed to work:

1. Does the ad server through the entire date of the End Date? Meaning all the way until 11:59 PM on the End Date.

2. Or does it stop serving as soon as the date is reached? Meaning 12:00 AM as soon as the date flips to the End Date?

In the example screenshot, this ad still shows as Enabled (as opposed to Expired) in the main window. However the Performance area under the Other tab lists the ad as expired.

It appears that #1 is the correct behavior since this ad is still racking up impressions, but I just wanted to confirm. If so it looks like there is a simple bug in the Performance area that is reporting the ad as expired a day early.




Thanks! I've submitted this as a bug ticket.

Satisfaction mark by Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago

#1 is correct.

The end date is the last full day of the ad. So if you say End date: Aug. 31 it will end Aug. 31 at 11:59 p.m. and would no longer be live on Sept. 1 12:00 a.m.

Thanks Nick, that is what I thought. Looks like the bug is in the Performance display area then.


Thanks! I've submitted this as a bug ticket.