
Repercussions of changing wireframes

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Robert Dundon 8 years ago 1

How many times have you wanted to change the wireframe you're using? I've successfully changed non-home pages with no issues. But I know as soon as I switch wireframes on the home page it's going to completely screw up all of my other pages. Has anyone done this? If so how did it affect the inside pages?

This may be for another post but I think something that would really help would be the ability to create regions. How hard would that be for a non-UTL user?

If so how did it affect the inside pages?

The child URLs probably "inherited" the setting from the parent URL. To prevent that, I'd set the layout for the child URLs as well

This may be for another post but I think something that would really help would be the ability to create regions. How hard would that be for a non-UTL user?

The regions are actually made via a UTL macro being called in some HTML: So I'd say it's not likely.

Sorry to be a debbie downer :|