
Creating/Editing Editorial/Classified Assets via Webservices API

Robert Dundon 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Robert Dundon 6 years ago 4

Just wondering if that's a planned feature or not.


Hi Robert,

For Classifieds, yes, we have plans to provide searching / updating / creating classifieds via webservices. I cannot give you an ETA at this time but keep an eye out on our release notes for new updates.



Hey Robert,

Can you tell us more about your specific use cases? It will help us determine what specifically is needed and to make sure it meets all requirements.

Can you tell us more about your specific use cases? It will help us determine what specifically is needed and to make sure it meets all requirements.

Good question. Here are a few scenarios I personally ran into:

  1. I am working on something that deals with APIs, and turning into data that's ready for importation to Blox as classified assets.

    Currently, I can pull things related to classifieds from different APIs. But, to get it ready for importation into Blox, I have to make an XML file, put in in the data directory, and set up and run a job for it. If there's an API. all I need to do is just add some code to account for a Blox CMS API.

  2. Also (this is a minor one), I was searching classifieds assets in JSON format (which is great, BTW). I had the UUIIDs for the assets, but I couldn't pull them directly via a URL or API. An API would've made that easier.

For anyone looking at this now, it is supported!