Under review

Clickable image asset redirect

Debra Eskinazi Stockdale 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

We created a custom block to display the front page of a print article, which we'd like to redirect to a different dedicated site. How do we create the hyperlink, so that the image is clickable??

Under review

Hi Debra!

It really depends on the type of block and what you're doing, etc. This is probably something our help desk may be able to look at: https://www.townnews365.com/support/

They usually don't look at custom code, but it may be something where they can provide an easy answer, or suggest another way to do something similar.

If you are on Flex, I would recommend the Utility: Promo block, which let's you upload an image and set a link on the button and the title. Depending on what you're trying to do, it could work.