
Feature request: Easily style blocks of body copy and breakout boxes

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Michael Becker 8 years ago 6

BLOX is a great system for cleanly and simply delivering articles to the public. But sometimes I want to crank the "Feature' knob up to 11. For example, when I have time for our magazine(from the time it's sent to the printer to the time it goes online) to really enhance the web version to mimic a 'feature-y' style. But I have to do this in HTML, which I can do, but it's time consuming. What would be awesome would be a way easily select certain paragraphs to place in a colored box and select the font color.

Would anyone else use a feature like this?

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:






Our plan was to crank the Feature Knob up to 10, sorry. But we can look at 11 if you want... ;)

But yes, we are looking at additional features along those lines. Currently in development:

- We are adding the ability for siblings, parents and Related Content to be pulled inline, and then drag and dropped around the article. This will give you a lot of functionality to create feature-y pages with info boxes, pull quotes, inline videos, etc.

- Inline asset styles: You'll be able to set card styles on inline assets of all kinds. This includes:

- Headline Link card

- Full Width card

- Left Float card

- Right Float card

Plus there will be additional styles to "play out" the asset in its native form, such as an inline poll where you can vote on the poll, etc. Those would be available as full width, left float and right float as well.

So, the Related Content items would be affected by styles as well, though, we currently don't have colors as options. I can look at this for the future, though.

- Slight change to the Longform presentation so that the article is more narrow, and inline assets will protrude from the margins. (Hopefully this makes sense.)

- More inline assets: We are expanding the inline asset capability to include other applications such as Calendar, Business Directory or Classifieds.

- Cover art: The ability to upload a single image which can serve as the background for the headline at the top of the article.

Almost all of these items should be available in Q2 2017.


This is something we'd use a lot too. This could even be expanded into the preset Content Boxes, so you can quickly pre-make styles (such as a special quote) and bring it into your story.

I like the idea of linking these to custom Related Content Boxes.


Our plan was to crank the Feature Knob up to 10, sorry. But we can look at 11 if you want... ;)

But yes, we are looking at additional features along those lines. Currently in development:

- We are adding the ability for siblings, parents and Related Content to be pulled inline, and then drag and dropped around the article. This will give you a lot of functionality to create feature-y pages with info boxes, pull quotes, inline videos, etc.

- Inline asset styles: You'll be able to set card styles on inline assets of all kinds. This includes:

- Headline Link card

- Full Width card

- Left Float card

- Right Float card

Plus there will be additional styles to "play out" the asset in its native form, such as an inline poll where you can vote on the poll, etc. Those would be available as full width, left float and right float as well.

So, the Related Content items would be affected by styles as well, though, we currently don't have colors as options. I can look at this for the future, though.

- Slight change to the Longform presentation so that the article is more narrow, and inline assets will protrude from the margins. (Hopefully this makes sense.)

- More inline assets: We are expanding the inline asset capability to include other applications such as Calendar, Business Directory or Classifieds.

- Cover art: The ability to upload a single image which can serve as the background for the headline at the top of the article.

Almost all of these items should be available in Q2 2017.

A change was desperately needed to make the text of the longform presentation narrower. Great ideas here!


This would make things so much prettier. I have to hack these things together using HTML all the time. It's a total PITA.

A few of these design improvements could turn BLOX's Flex package from something we use because it's a solid CMS into something we use because we really like it. That's a huge difference.

Well, now we're migrating to FLEX and I'm finding out most of my custom styled in-line boxes no longer display correctly. We only have a dozen or so of these articles but some sites probably do this a lot more frequently which would be a nightmare to have to fix. Them's the breaks for working outside the framework.