Under review

Find user who has accessed an asset?

Robert Armstrong 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 7

We recently had an article leaked. It was an early draft and still required many edits and fact-checking before we were to publish.

Through revisions, we can see who has edited/saved an article, but is there a way to see which user account has entered into an asset but did no edits and not saved (i.e: just viewed)?

If not, would it be possible to add in a "log" field near revisions that just show who has entered into an asset and what time, regardless of any changes made?


Under review

Hey Robert,

Please submit a Customer Support ticket on this and they may be able to help. We do have various types of logs and may be able to search for some activities, depending on how long ago it was.

Robert, I think this would be pretty hard to do.

One easy workaround we use (for example during breaking news situations) to fully view an article while someone else is working in it or to prevent locking it in case someone else needs to edit it; is to simply use the Print button in the BLOX interface.

This allows anyone to view the full text of the article, print it, copy/paste it, etc. I'm not sure there is a way to prevent it without breaking a lot of functionality.

That said, a restricted mode could be a cool feature. Basically allowing an asset it be locked to a user group or particular users until it reaches a certain workflow stage.

Yeah, I figured it would be quite complicated. But I do like that restricted mode you suggested. It could be only specific admins can access it (through user group access) or specific users could be added to a "safe list" within the asset. If there's enough interest, I can submit a feature request ticket.

This would be one of those things I don't personally see us using (we simply don't publish that much sensitive stuff), but think it definitely worthy of a feature request. It could have much broader appeal at larger publications with more staff as Town News continues to grow.

If by leaked you mean went online accidentally, I don't think there's a way a story can be altered without leaving a trace of who altered it.

Not posted online, but a user with access to editorial assets went into the article to copy/paste and sent that to specific people. Since they didn't save the article to close it, it won't show up in the revision log. This is showing a huge trust issue, which is the bigger disappointment here. In the meantime, we might have to start working on sensitive articles offline and then post them when ready.

I feel your pain here. I'm often left searching for technical solutions to what shoud simply be user problems.

Under review

Hey Robert,

Please submit a Customer Support ticket on this and they may be able to help. We do have various types of logs and may be able to search for some activities, depending on how long ago it was.