
Feature request: Restricted/Private mode for assets

Robert Armstrong 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 3

1) A secure mode for assets would only allow specific people (through a list of usernames or group access settings) to edit an asset and publish.

2) Sometimes there are sensitive articles that, while they are being developed, should only be accessed by a select few (eg: only the author and a managing editor).

3) We would use it any time there are stories or large features that require confidentiality until publication. Especially articles that have a lot of fact-based research that needs to be vetted, or allegations that need to be confirmed.

4) All users would benefit from this feature. Our head editors and those with more independent and investigative privileges would benefit most from it, while allowing our managing editors access to their articles.

You can manage part of this with workflows, but unfortunately that doesn't stop another user without permissions from simply opening the asset. It only stops them from saving it.

I think the answer to this lies in bulking up what restrictions and permissions are available in the workflows system.

Does that work now? We tried implemeting workflow permissions when TCMS was installed but quickly found they didn't actually do anything.

"but unfortunately that doesn't stop another user without permissions from simply opening the asset."

Which is what this (hopefully) can solve. This is to "lock-down" an asset so only a select few (who are chosen by the author or someone with specific permissions) can open an asset to view/edit/save it.