Under review

Creating block - one week

Rick Holtz 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 6

I am trying to create a block with content that stays in the block for only one week. I know how to set it up for "today only" but I can't figure out the coding for having stuff that was published in the previous week.

Try using the query rule Start date/time No earlier than -7 days


The actual text is probably No earlier than "7 days ago." I'm going to attach an example because the wording is kinda tricky.


"-7 days" also works. It means the same thing. You can also use this sort of query to limit how long something will appear for example setting the query rule on a breaking news block to Start date/time No earlier than -1 hour.

Now that I didn't know, thanks! We had a "breaking" news item up for almost 36 hours over the weekend because nobody went in and removed the flag.

Under review

Also remember that you could use pinned assets and schedule them. You right click on the pinned asset to get the scheduling capability. This is nice because you can have a completely different schedule for each of the pinned items, AND you can use it in addition to the other "no earlier than" rules.

Yes, but that requires going into the block editor correct?

The more features we can expose that allow the newsroom to totally control things from TotalCMS the better.