Under review

Email Reach - filter out users who do not have active subscriptions

Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nicholas farnsworth1 5 years ago 11
We’re looking to create an email newsletter exclusively for subscribers, as opposed to our normal newsletters that anyone with an account can receive.

As such we’d love to see an option that would allow anyone to sign-up, but on send the system would omit the emails of users who do not have an active subscription at the time of the email.

This would create an automated system that we didn’t have to constantly manage by adding and removing users as subscriptions are bought and expire.

Please let me know what y’all think and if there is a possible this could be implemented.


Did this Email Reach idea for filtering emails to push to only active subscriptions get put in place?

Not that I am aware of Lonnie.

This has come up again in discussions here at the newspaper as a feature we'd still like to have.


Whoa! This would be incredible. I'm actually in the process of building out a "Membership" system through Subscriptions and I want to have a Members Only newsletter. But I did have the thought that this would become absolutely impossible to manage manually... Any plans or ideas for this?!


I've got Ticket #706774: FR: Email Reach selectively to subscribers, non-subscribers or both open for this request with the following text:

So this was a request I first posted about almost four years ago but either I never made a formal feature request or I just can't find the old ticket.

We'd like the ability within Email Reach to have emails go to everyone on the list, just current active subscribers or just non-subscribers.

If the system could evaluate subscriber / non-subscriber status dynamically at send time it would prevent anyone from having to maintain a constantly changing list.

1. A few possible uses for this feature:

• Allow newspapers to run an exclusive "members only" email newsletter.
• Target certain ads (or subscription offers) to one group or the other.
• Tailor the articles displayed to help entice Day Pass sales, highlight the benefits of being a subscriber or thanking current subscribers.

2. Potentially on a daily basis.

3. Every reader of the site.

4. https://community.townnews.com/communities/1/topics/70-email-reach-filter-out-users-who-do-not-have-active-subscriptions



Kevin, was TownNews ever able to grant your feature request? I've been trying to figure out if there's a way to use Email Reach to send one-off emails to all our subscribers (for an annual "thank you" message or heads-ups about rate increases, for instance). This feels like a natural feature the app should have, but if there's a way to do it I can't find it.

Unfortunately it hasn't been implemented yet.


I also vote for the ability to use Email Reach to send focused communications to our subscribers based on their status! Focusing by service type would be beneficial too.

The service type filtering is a great extension of this idea.

I too vote for this.  We have over 50 properties around the United States and this is something we would all like to use.