Under review

Questions about upcoming webinar on Article Designer tools (June 8, 2017 at 10:30 am)

Christine Masters 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 3

Cherry already posted a reminder about this webinar! Thanks Cherry!

I had a few questions for you community folks...

1. Do you have any specific questions regarding these tools that you'd like me to cover?

Right now I will give an overview of how they work, and then some best practices to create nice looking content.

We will also have Elizabeth Stephens (famous member who frequents this board, in fact) give some sage advice from a journalism / newsroom perspective.

Then I'll show a few examples of what you can do.

2. Speaking of which... if anyone has examples of great uses of the Article Designer tools, or even your favorite parts of what you've seen so far - let me know. I'd love to highlight some customer work in this webinar!