Setting up tracking for FB Instant and Google AMP in GA
Hi y'all, we're on board with TownNews' preferred Google Analytics setup now (woo hoo!) ... Now that's done, we'd like to setup a way to track analytics for Facebook Instant articles and Google AMP pages. Because the URLs generated for those pages aren't always on a site's domain, how do you accomplish this in GA?

Hey Kevin!
We're actually in the process of experimenting with this so we can document it with our full GTM launch.
Because Google AMP requires its own GTM container, you can just tell that container to create an AMP dimension for each page view.
For FBIA, you should be able to track tncms.page.platform = 'facebook instant articles'.
Like I said, this is still in test mode, but let me know if you need more explanation or help setting this up.

Hi Christine,
Jumping in for some information. So what you are saying is we need at least one additional GTM container that will be used for AMP and a possible second additional for FBIA? Basically, we can't add this event tracking via our current GA or GTM setup. Is that the idea? If so, where do I include a second GTM container id in our TN setup to manager our AMP and IA containers? In FB, there is probably a place via their interface but I'm not sure about AMP. Would you be willing to give us a step by step way of accomplishing tracking?
I am quite possibly way off base on this so please let me know if this is not at all what you are saying. Just trying to help Kyle accomplish our company goal.

Hi Ashley!
You definitely need a new GTM container for AMP - GTM actually requires it. (It is a choice when you set up the container, what type of container it is.)
Note that you'll have to set up GA and Chartbeat and whatever else you use in the new GTM account as well.
For now, the GTM AMP UA can be entered in the AMP settings panel. We will be moving it to a new software panel in the next few months though, when we go out of beta phase on this.
My understanding is that FB just uses your standard GTM and GA accounts for tracking. The issue is differentiating it from your regular traffic, and in that situation we created the tncms.page.platform dimension in GTM and GA to be able to identify it.
If you want to try this as best you can, then submit a ticket and we can look at it. Ask them to talk to me in the ticket and we can get you going! =)

Thanks, Christine. Going to submit a ticket for this. Y'all are wayyy smarter with this than we are :)
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Hey Kevin!
We're actually in the process of experimenting with this so we can document it with our full GTM launch.
Because Google AMP requires its own GTM container, you can just tell that container to create an AMP dimension for each page view.
For FBIA, you should be able to track tncms.page.platform = 'facebook instant articles'.
Like I said, this is still in test mode, but let me know if you need more explanation or help setting this up.