
Real Estate Vertical Leads

Sam Williams 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2

Several of my sites have asked about any future developments in the real estate vertical to include a leads form in their Real Estate vertical. I know that the "Send Email" link displays on featured agents, but would there be a way to make that email link be a lead form like the "Send Email" link on the business directory page itself so that lead could be tracked in the analytics?

Hi Sam,

We currently track "Contact Form Emails Sent" in the Dealer Summary Report which are the leads I believe you're looking for. These are the contact forms on the vehicle details page.

The Dealer Summary Report can be found in the Reports tab per business asset (or agent in your case) in Business Directory. These reports can be scheduled to be sent automatically to an email of your choice every month.

For more information on this report please reference our documentation:


Thanks for the reply Phil. Yes, we are looking for that same kind of form on the individual real estate listings just like on the wheels vertical, but the "ask a question" button that appears on individual vehicles that brings up that lead form isn't present on individual real estate listings. I didn't see anything in the documentation about that being a setting, so are we missing something there? We only have a "send email" link that opens up an external mailto link to the listing agent and those aren't tracked.