
We would love to be able to center tweets using the Twitter function within a story asset.

Ryan Mellon 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 8 years ago 4

We are loving the new alignment features that were just released for child assets. Stories are way more engaging and better looking with the new options. We've tried to use the Twitter function, but have noticed those cannot be formatted. Would it be possible to have them automatically centered in stories, or given the option to align right, left, center like the other child assets?


Under review

Actually I think you're right. It is left-aligned (but not floated) on regular stories. On long-form mode, it sticks out awkwardly to the left.

I will see if we can center both with CSS for now.

Adding alignment options will be more complicated than a simple CSS fix, but I think that's a good idea if it is possible.

Looks like I was mistaken, it is centered by default. But I think it would still be helpful to have the alignment options using the Twitter function.

Under review

Actually I think you're right. It is left-aligned (but not floated) on regular stories. On long-form mode, it sticks out awkwardly to the left.

I will see if we can center both with CSS for now.

Adding alignment options will be more complicated than a simple CSS fix, but I think that's a good idea if it is possible.