
Headline link/summary/asset inline presentation examples?

Jayson 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 8 years ago 1

I'm looking for good examples of these new inline display properties for image (or other) elements: Headline link, summary, asset presentation



Hi Jayson!

Here is a general overview in our online documentation.

I also put together a testing page with many examples of inline styles. There are some really cool ones... check out an inline mapped presentation, or the panorama collection. Neat stuff!

Note that the "full viewport" options, like full-bleed or parallax, only works on long-form presentation articles, because it needs a guarantee that the story area will be full-width of the page.

Here is an example of the same story in default article presentation (no long-form), so you can see the same articles in a normal asset situation. You can see that they also don't "stick out" from the column of the article.


Hi Jayson!

Here is a general overview in our online documentation.

I also put together a testing page with many examples of inline styles. There are some really cool ones... check out an inline mapped presentation, or the panorama collection. Neat stuff!

Note that the "full viewport" options, like full-bleed or parallax, only works on long-form presentation articles, because it needs a guarantee that the story area will be full-width of the page.

Here is an example of the same story in default article presentation (no long-form), so you can see the same articles in a normal asset situation. You can see that they also don't "stick out" from the column of the article.