Under review

Auto approve updated calendar events

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 2

When someone creates a calendar event we get a notification to approve the event. That's great. But if they update the event we get another notification that we have to approve the update. I don't want new events to be auto approved but I would like updated events to be auto approved.

Can we get an option to auto approve updated events?


Under review

Hi Nick, 

Providing an option to auto-approve event updates would be a feature request. I would be remiss if I didn't point out that this request would allow users to update previously approved events with descriptions or images a site might deem inappropriate. 

Has that been considered? 

The current workflow, while it may require additional time, allows for proper vetting at each point during the submission process.

Under review

Hi Nick, 

Providing an option to auto-approve event updates would be a feature request. I would be remiss if I didn't point out that this request would allow users to update previously approved events with descriptions or images a site might deem inappropriate. 

Has that been considered? 

The current workflow, while it may require additional time, allows for proper vetting at each point during the submission process.

While I think the majority of changes would be valid I would hate for one to get through with something inappropriate. So I guess you're right.