
When we upload images to BLOX, it seems to be stripping the metadata out. If I pull an image of the site, I cannot tell where it was created. Can we keep that in?

Paul Crawford 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Tiffany Blanchette 6 years ago 5

When we upload images to BLOX, it seems to be stripping the metadata out.  If I pull an image of the site, I cannot tell where it was created.  Can we keep that in please?



Metadata is only preserved in the hi-res version of the photo data if that is being stored in BLOX. All other images are stripped and have optimizations applied against them at this point.


Metadata is only preserved in the hi-res version of the photo data if that is being stored in BLOX. All other images are stripped and have optimizations applied against them at this point.

A few additional things:

- There is some good information about which specific metadata is supported here: https://help.bloxcms.com/knowledge-base/applications/editorial/assets/faq/article_e05cdf0a-2bfd-11e5-a28f-e33a060b5023.html

- There is a toggle (Editorial -> Assets -> Settings) to turn off IPTC import, if for some reason a site doesn't want it. I did check your site Paul and you do not have this turned off, so as Patrick said, the data should be available on the hi-res version. Hi-res, if available, is listed under the "other" tab of the photo asset, where it can be downloaded (with metadata!) from there.


I like the idea of retaining XMP/IPTC metadata (but stripping EXIF) for all images on the site. These leaves a "paper trail" for anyone who finds the image somewhere else and can make the copyright argument that there was no data indicating who to contact for permission to use a photo.


I too think ALL metadata that is with the photo when it is originally uploaded should be included on all image sizes. I am having a hard time believing that the AP would consent to having such data, copyright info etc., stripped from images. 


I think I found a way to preserve metadata/IPTC... we just have to ALSO upload the original image to an asset.

Under the Other tab, Miscellaneous properties, scroll down to the bottom and Upload Hi-res image. 
The original image can then be Viewed/downloaded with intact metadata/IPTC.

It's ANOTHER additional step in the sea of never-ending steps to preserve this data, which is crucial to journalism, but might be the work around.