Under review

Is there a way to have a word limit on free calendar submissions, but offer more words for paid submissions using the Upsell Manager?

Pat Checketts 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 3

Is there a way to have a word limit on free calendar submissions, but offer more words for paid submissions using the Upsell Manager?

In our small/medium market community, we're using the online calendar feature and we allow even businesses to post events at their stores or locations.  Events which are submitted online are also included in our print edition, but we limit certain free submissions to just 15 words.  Currently, I can't find a way to put a word limit on calendar submissions.  And if there is a way to do this, is there also way to make a rule which prompts users to purchase an enhanced listing if they exceed the word limit in the description?  Could the photo in the calendar submission also be set up as an option only available to enhanced listings?

We currently have enhanced calendar listings with a few options (one week, one month, etc.).  Since we implemented these features a few months ago, we've only had one business pay for an actual enhanced listing and it was at an introductory rate to test out the new feature.

Our calendar page is at www.sewardindependent.com/calendar

Pat Checketts

Advertising Manager

Seward County Independent

Seward, NE


Under review

Hi Pat - 

Upsell Manager cannot restrict the number of words or photos for an event.  

The self-service tool is designed to automatically apply properties (keywords, sections, priorities) to an event for purposes of prime placement throughout your site or print edition - homepage, newsletters, entertainment page, search results, etc. 

The value of the upsell is the promotion of a user's event your site rather than the number of words or photos a user is able to apply. 

Under review

Hi Pat - 

Upsell Manager cannot restrict the number of words or photos for an event.  

The self-service tool is designed to automatically apply properties (keywords, sections, priorities) to an event for purposes of prime placement throughout your site or print edition - homepage, newsletters, entertainment page, search results, etc. 

The value of the upsell is the promotion of a user's event your site rather than the number of words or photos a user is able to apply. 

Thanks Phil,

We're just trying to reduce the amount of advertisers who solely rely on their free calendar listing to advertise events in place of the traditional print product.  Regardless of the amount of preaching we do to our advertisers about frequency, reach, impact, etc, they'll rely on the free listing we offer, then pay for a post on Facebook or Twitter.

Sounds like a good idea Pat.