
Blocks don't display assets beyond 150

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 3

I set up a page for just Hurricane Irma assets since we got some significant damage. We have much more than 150 assets but when I try to set up the query size I can get it to display assets until 150. Beyond 150 the system changes the query size back to the first asset being 101. For instance... I change the "First item" to 151 to pull the next 50 assets but when I save the block it defaults back to 101.

Image 326

I want to have a page for our comprehensive Irma coverage that people can look back through for months to come but the block settings aren't letting me. Is there a way to get around this?


Under review

I would create a URL for that topic, and then design a section around it. You can have groups of photos by date or by topic (before, during, after the storm, or by location, etc.).

Also, depending on the scenario, you could also keyword tag all of the assets, and then link to a search of those assets. That way, it is automatically paged and can go on forever.

I hope Kevin doesn't mind me pointing to this... but during Hurricane Harvey, galvnews.com had the same issue, and I helped them start this page: http://www.galvnews.com/harvey/ You could add to it by having more galleries, or lists of stories, ads, info boxes, etc.

Under review

I would create a URL for that topic, and then design a section around it. You can have groups of photos by date or by topic (before, during, after the storm, or by location, etc.).

Also, depending on the scenario, you could also keyword tag all of the assets, and then link to a search of those assets. That way, it is automatically paged and can go on forever.

I hope Kevin doesn't mind me pointing to this... but during Hurricane Harvey, galvnews.com had the same issue, and I helped them start this page: http://www.galvnews.com/harvey/ You could add to it by having more galleries, or lists of stories, ads, info boxes, etc.

I don't mind one bit, I'm just embarrassed I never had time to go back and add more to it.

The specific problem we ran into was a single Collection (photo gallery) that grew to something like 300+ images and then just stopped working. Christine thankfully, on the weekend, jumped in and helped split them up for me while I was not at a computer to do so.