
Tie ad blocker detection (does it work?) to member / subscriber recruitment.

Jay Allred 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 1

It makes sense to me is to closely tie adblocker detection with subscription / membership recruitment. 

So - for example - if an adblocker is detected, BLOX should notify the reader and encourage them to whitelist the site AND allow publishers to direct the reader to support our work through a membership / subscription.


Publishers should be able to easily modify the message the reader sees to make it fit within the corporate "voice" of the organization.


Publishers could also be given the option to allow an ad-free experience to readers who become subscribers / members. 

It could work something like this:

Reader: I hate ads and use an ad blocker.

Us: We get it, but if you want to view our content for free, we need you to tolerate the ads. They are the price of admission. But, if you become a member / subscriber, we can offer you and ad-free experience. Sound good?

Reader choice 1: Totally! I want to become a subscriber today!
Us response 1: Great! Here's a link to become a subscriber.

Reader choice 2: No thanks, but I'll white list you so the ads come through.
Us response 2: Thanks! If you ever want to become a subscriber, here's how.

Reader choice 3: No way, you suck. I'm keeping my ad blocker and not paying you a dime. 
Us response 3: We're sorry to hear that. But since we have to pay our bills and the news is not free to report, we'll have to say goodbye for now.