
Webinar | Why ad viewability matters to your bottom line, and what you need to do

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 1

Starting as early as January 1st, 2018, sites with programmatic advertising inventory that’s less than 70 percent viewable will see a dramatic drop in fill rate and eCPMs. At our December customer webinar, we’ll talk about why viewability matters to digital advertising and what you can do to increase your score and impact your bottom line.

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Topics will include:

  • How advertiser expectations, the IAB and the Better Ad Standards are affecting the industry.
  • How to find out your current viewability score to see where you stand.
  • Simple ways to improve and optimize your site’s viewability.
  • New BLOX CMS features and enhancements to help boost your viewability score.
  • . . . and much more!

Join us on December 14th at 10:30 AM CST to learn more.

Want to take in the webinar on your own time? Register now and we’ll send you a link to the webinar recording once it’s ready.


ICYMI: Watch the recording, download the slide deck or find related links here.