
Customizing Metered Visits message in Flex.

Jeff Sebestyen 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

I would like for the ability to customize the Metering Messages within the Community > Subscription settings, the same location that I can customize the emails to customers that have bought a subscription.  

Otherwise, I am looking to see what file can be edited to changed the Metering Message when a user has 9 out of 10 free stories to view.  Is this CSS or UTL even customizable by the customer?



Hi guys!

We're working on an easier module that will allow these to be customized in the admin UI. However, we did implement the code in a way that makes it easy to override these messages at a custom UTL level.

Here is a page with details on the specific macros you can override.


If you don't have access to edit the UTL as described, please contact our Customer Support and they should be able to help.


If I could like this post 700 times I would. Publishers need to be able to customize those messages to match their corporate voice.


Hi guys!

We're working on an easier module that will allow these to be customized in the admin UI. However, we did implement the code in a way that makes it easy to override these messages at a custom UTL level.

Here is a page with details on the specific macros you can override.


If you don't have access to edit the UTL as described, please contact our Customer Support and they should be able to help.