
Remove Google Street View from Featured Marketplace Business.

Jeff Sebestyen 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 4

All my business that are featured default to a Google Street View.  I do not see an option to remove the Google Street View.  There should be a Custom Property, or even an application setting for completely disable this.  

  • Some businesses use a home address, so the guys house is on the masthead.  
  • Some street views simply are of the back of the business, or have an incorrect image, or has an inappropriate image.  
  • Other times, this simply ruins the style of the page.

Why is there a Custom Property for everything but this?  Why is this being forced upon me? Please humble me, and show me there is a simple checkbox that I am missing.  

There is a Default Masthead Image that will appear which will generate a Street View of the business. This can be over-ridden by uploading a Masthead Image.


Under review

Hi Jeff, 

This can be disabled entirely by navigating to URL Page Properties for your business directory URL.  Under the Business settings you'll find the setting "Streetview Masthead" with the option to turn it off. 

Under review

Hi Jeff, 

This can be disabled entirely by navigating to URL Page Properties for your business directory URL.  Under the Business settings you'll find the setting "Streetview Masthead" with the option to turn it off. 

Man, you guys always have the answers.  Thanks.  I would never have looked there.