Under review

Photo Mechanic and photo author/byline

Erica Smith 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 6 years ago 4

Is anyone who's using Photo Mechanic having luck getting the photo author field to populate? We have it working with bylines ... but there are other advantages to adding the name as an author (and I'm tired of doing it manually on all of our staff photos).

I think this will require additional work from Town News.

Ideally it would match against the XMP "Contact Email" field imbedded in the photo and apply the correct user account with the matching email.

Personally I also wish they would populate the Byline from the "Credit" field instead of "Creator/Photographer" since that is a better field to include stylized bylines such as, KEVIN M. COX/The Daily News, while leaving the other field as a simple name for digital asset management purposes.

Under review

Is this an accurate synopsis of the request?

- If the XMP "Contact Email" field matches up with BLOX user account and then photographer user object is attached to the photo. This way, the photographer will get a user account page, a "follow" button, avatars on all of their photos, and so forth.

- Populate the "byline" field on photos from the "credit" field in XMP instead of the "creator/photographer" field, since this is a better way to include stylized bylines such as Kevin Cox/Staff Photographer.

Do you agree with this, Erica?

Bumping this because I missed your original reply, but yes that would be great for us Christine. Hopefully Erica agrees or has some thoughts.