
Why won't my 2nd block leaderboard ads at the top show up?

KathyG 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 3

I added a block below the one that was there automatically in the template, and it shows up on the main page, but when you click on an article, it does NOT show up on the asset page?  Same goes for my GALLERY page albums and videos.  The 2nd leaderboard ad underneath the original one does not show up once you click on a photo album.



Thanks for the quick response!  I JUST figured it out.  I've been working on it for 3 days... :-)  

The ad I had placed under the original block-leaderboard-ad had automatically been 1000px wide, which is too wide for that area on the asset pages.  It was also in the Index-top-featured content area.  I moved the 2nd ad block underneath the original block in the top global container - NOW IT WORKS!  



Thanks for responding so quickly...  I hope this helps someone else that needs MORE ad spots!


Can you give an example URL?


Thanks for the quick response!  I JUST figured it out.  I've been working on it for 3 days... :-)  

The ad I had placed under the original block-leaderboard-ad had automatically been 1000px wide, which is too wide for that area on the asset pages.  It was also in the Index-top-featured content area.  I moved the 2nd ad block underneath the original block in the top global container - NOW IT WORKS!  



Thanks for responding so quickly...  I hope this helps someone else that needs MORE ad spots!