
User account email verification

Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 10 years ago 4
Hopefully I'm just missing it, but is there a way to have the BLOX system verify an email address is legitimate as part of the new user signup process?

Currently users can create an account with any email address they want and there is no verification required to prove that use actually controls that email. This creates a potential issue with trying to use Domain based Subscription Services since we aren't actually verifying that someone has a real email in a particular domain.

I can't remember the last time I've used a service that didn't require verification so I'm hoping we can enable it for our site.


Hi Kevin!

We do offer email confirmation... so when they sign up for an account, we email them and then they have to click on the link to prove they have access to that account.

Go to Settings -> Users -> Public Profiles and enable email confirmation.

The "special templates" referenced above are included by default in our core templates.
Satisfaction mark by Kevin M. Cox 10 years ago
Hi Kevin!

We do offer email confirmation... so when they sign up for an account, we email them and then they have to click on the link to prove they have access to that account.

Go to Settings -> Users -> Public Profiles and enable email confirmation.

The "special templates" referenced above are included by default in our core templates.
Thanks Christine, I had a feeling I had seen it before but searching the documentation didn't pull up the results I needed.

Also good to know the help text is out of date and we don't need special templates installed to use the feature.
It's not that they are out of date per se, they are just trying to convey that this software component doesn't work without a specific template. Some of our sites have their own templates, for example.
OK thanks, I'll open a ticket to confirm we're in the clear before turning the feature on.