Under review

Google AMP: Inconsistent Fonts for Lists in AMP Articles

Robert Dundon 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

Note: I made a support ticket for this, but thought I'd share in case others are having the same problem.

While dealing with AMP pages, an internal "client" pointed out inconsistent fonts for lists in article (see attached screenshot)

I found this CSS in the macro amp_stylesheet() in macros/module.amp.css.utl in the Core TN component "AMP":

.asset-body p {

     color: #444;

     font-size: 16px;

     line-height: 27px;

    margin-bottom: 24px;


I accounts for paragraphs, but not lists. To fix that, I added the
following CSS to the macro "amp_customCssOverwrites" for now:

.asset-content ul li {

    color: #444

    font-size: 16px;

    line-height: 27px;

     margin-bottom: 24px;
