
Webinar | How the Better Ads Standards will matter to your bottom line

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 2

Webinar recording now available.

How the Better Ads Standards will matter to your bottom line

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Digital advertising is about to get even more complicated. In an attempt to make ads less annoying for users, Google Chrome browsers will begin broadly enforcing the Better Ads Standards on February 15th, 2018. At our February customer webinar, Phil Pracht, revenue product manager, Christine Masters, director of product management, and Stevie Longwith, Ad Ops program manager, discussed these new digital ad requirements and the steps you need to take today to keep your ad revenue flowing.

Topics included:

  • An overview of the Better Ads Standards and how they apply to BLOX CMS sites
  • The impact of Chrome Ad Filtering on ad servers—including BLOX Ad Manager

  • How to use Google’s Ad Experience Report to help you understand if your ads violate the Better Ads Standards

  • . . . and more!

Ready to learn how you can comply with these new rules and keep your ads from being blocked? Webinar recording now available.