
More robust BLOX Go

Brad Boner 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 6 years ago 7

The BLOX Go feature is descent, but it is really lacking in functionality. There are several things we'd like to see that would improve this feature:

• Would like to be able to fill out more of an asset's fields. As it stands we can only fill out the Title and Caption fields for an image or video asset, and Title and Content for an article asset. Would like to have, at the very least, the Byline and Slug fields available for all assets in Blox Go, and be able to select Flags for images and videos.

• Ability to modify other assets besides articles. Seriously, this is a major flaw in the system. We can upload images and videos, but once we've done so we can't edit them. This means that if we upload an image from the field and there's a misspelling in the caption, we can't edit it unless we do so through the regular CMS site (not BLOX Go), which is absurdly clunky use if you're trying to do so on your phone.

• I know I'm asking a lot here, but it would be awesome if article or photo assets created with BLOX Go (or in CMS in general) could somehow "write back" to TCMS. Say I upload a photo from a house fire from my phone in CMS. It would be nice if that also created an asset in TCMS that could be used in our print workflow. As it stands we need to create a separate asset in TCMS if we want to use that image in print.

If any of these features are already available, please do let me know.





Hey Brad!

I wanted to let you know that BLOX Go is a major initiative for us this year. In fact, we're totally re-doing it!

Coming soon, it will be re-released with an entirely new UI that is a lot more flexible.

In this first version, we are focusing on changing the UI elements and not adding a ton of new functionality. For our first version we're striving for feature parity with the existing interface. But in subsequent versions, we will add much more functionality, including having access to more fields, more asset types and eventually, more BLOX CMS applications.


Hey Brad!

I wanted to let you know that BLOX Go is a major initiative for us this year. In fact, we're totally re-doing it!

Coming soon, it will be re-released with an entirely new UI that is a lot more flexible.

In this first version, we are focusing on changing the UI elements and not adding a ton of new functionality. For our first version we're striving for feature parity with the existing interface. But in subsequent versions, we will add much more functionality, including having access to more fields, more asset types and eventually, more BLOX CMS applications.

Thanks, Christine. Any kind of timeline for when to expect the roll-out?

Looks like it just got announced: 

Do more on-the-go with the new streamlined and modern BLOX Go! mobile interface

Probably a few months until the updates make it into TotalCMS correct?

Hi, Christine. Could you please have the developers take a look at the updated version of Blox Go? When I went to check it out on my phone all I could get was the desktop version on my iPhone. When I called Town News for support, I was told that the new Blox Go displays the desktop version if the screen has a certain dimension or pixel count (or something along those lines). In any case, the rep I spoke with pretty much said that if Blox Go was used on an iPhone 8 or above it would be forced to the desktop version. He also admitted it was a problem, because the desktop version is virtually unuseable on an iPhone.

If this is actually the case it's a step backward for Blox Go and needs to be addressed ASAP

My phone also displays the desktop version. There are sometimes that I do prefer the desktop version but I think for BLOX Go you're probably wanting the mobile version.

Our regional manager clued us in on a work-around for anyone who has had trouble with this (for some reason the support rep I called didn't mention this). If you find yourself forced to the desktop version of the CMS on your iPhone, here's how to view the mobile version:

1. Once you log in, you can go to the top-right menu (should be your email address) and switch to mobile interface.

2. Once you’re on the BLOX GO interface, you can bookmark or “save to homescreen” the URL to ensure you always go there first (the URLs between the two interfaces are different).

Our editors say their frustration is with the inability to publish breaking news strictly from the TCMS Blox Go interface, and develop the story there, keeping the original article URL.