
Facebook comments count not correct on summary block

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

I figured I'd post this here before I sent in a ticket. Has anyone ever experienced the Facebook comment count being incorrect in a summary block?

Image 383

Image 385



Hey Nick!

Yeah it looks like a bug. We changed the Facebook URL on the article page to reference the "permanent" BLOX URL (so it doesn't break when you change sections or titles) but (unless you have something custom), it looks like the Facebook comments are referencing the normal BLOX URL. Facebook titles everything together based on URL, so if the URLs are different, it won't show the correct numbers!

I will submit a ticket for this. Thanks!


Hey Nick!

Yeah it looks like a bug. We changed the Facebook URL on the article page to reference the "permanent" BLOX URL (so it doesn't break when you change sections or titles) but (unless you have something custom), it looks like the Facebook comments are referencing the normal BLOX URL. Facebook titles everything together based on URL, so if the URLs are different, it won't show the correct numbers!

I will submit a ticket for this. Thanks!