
Infinity Scroll - Card: Summary blocks - Safari

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 6 years ago 8

I'm very happy to see this new option: 

Encourage engagement with new Infinity Scroll option on "Card: Summary" block

In my testing it seems to be working great in Chrome and Firefox, but not in Safari (desktop or mobile). The little spinning loading graphic just sits there and never loads any other content.

Has anyone else seen this issue on their site? Is it a known issue?

Safari accounts for 42% of our traffic so we need to make sure the feature is working there before enabling it across the site.




Hi guys!

Thanks for reporting this. Yes, we've confirmed this is an issue and it is fixed in the next upcoming release.

I can't get it working at all. I was told it needed a section tag -- which was added. Then I was told it had something to do with the site being secure (https). If you are saying it doesn't work with Safari, I'll likely hold off on adding it until they can get it fixed. 

I'm testing it here on a secure URL: https://www.galvnews.com/features/

The scrolling should start after 20 articles and it is buttery smooth in Chrome.


Hi guys!

Thanks for reporting this. Yes, we've confirmed this is an issue and it is fixed in the next upcoming release.

Thanks Christine, I'm really looking forward to rolling this out.

Does Town News have a recommendation as to how many items to show "above" the infinity scroll? Is there an optimal number of things to pre-load based on your testing?

Bumping this question: 

Does Town News have a recommendation as to how many items to show "above" the infinity scroll? Is there an optimal number of things to pre-load based on your testing?


It depends on the situation and the layout of the page. In general you want to have a "screenfull" of items on the page, and then load enough items to fill a few more screens as a user scrolls down.

So if the block is going to take up the whole page, you may want to have 10 - 15 items showing up. If it is just a few items at the bottom of an article that scroll down, you may want to have 4 - 5 items.

At this point though I'm having trouble with Infinity Scroll not working at all, in Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Anybody willing to take a look here and let me know if they're seeing it function? https://www.galvnews.com/news/