Your comments

The time of day is an important reference for readers.

That feature would be great. Most recently I noticed how much harder it is to use the window in which to make the crop. I'm not sure what to suggest to make it more user-friendly but it's really wide and hard to scroll around to "set the crop."

He is an example of why this would be useful for the end user.

It would be great to pinpoint the location of the restaurant we visit in this video on the html asset detail page. We can add the location information to the asset but it's not built in to display on the front end. Note: If this is possible, please build it into all detail pages. Especially if you all are developing Field59 assets.


How soon is this planned? Any ETA? This is an important feature for us. And truly it was expected as part of Flex layouts.


Elizabeth, do you have a sample of the double byline? Can you share a link?

I think we will discuss turning off the default asset author preference for editors/producers. It will be a training issue.

Yes, the "author" basically is the "creator" or "producer" who took the reporter's story and added it to the CMS.

Guess we would be missing the quick identifier of the "creator" when skimming a search result within the database. It's useful for our workflow. But we can see about changing that.

In addition, I also had to set the article tagline to false. The tagline is related to the author profile. How could we get "profile" information related to they byline?

Having the option for (driving, walking) directions to the location would also be a nice feature.

We still have staff members that struggle with this. More variation would be helpful.

I thought site tags worked for this?