Is Email Reach standard with our subscription, or is there an additional cost?

Travis Weik 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Carl Appen 4 years ago 3

I'd like to start using Email Reach at 2 of our properties as a test for the market. Competing papers already use a similar service.

My concern is whether we will take on any additional cost for activating this feature. Is this something we are already paying for? If so, how to I turn the feature on? I've followed the tutorial video and cannot find an Email Reach option in BloxCMS.

Thanks for your help.

Yes it is - ask your sales rep for info. Couple hundred $$, depending on how many contacts you have. 

Whoops, I misread your question. I did not mean, "Yes, this is something you are already paying for," I meant, 'Yes, this is a paid product."  


Hello, this is Rick Rogers with TownNews. 

Email Reach monthly fee is based on the number of email subscribers or contacts.

Fee structure:
0-500 contacts -- $20.00
501-2500 contacts -- $40.00
2501-5000 contacts -- $60.00
5001-10,000 contacts -- $90.00
10,001-25,000 contacts -- $195.00
25,001-50,000 contacts -- $295.00
50,001-75,000 contacts -- $395.00
75,001-100,000 contacts -- $495.00