Blox NOW App

Kara Johnson 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Eric R 4 years ago 1

We're looking into the TownNews Blox NOW app and are wondering if anyone has any pros/cons with their experience. And if you could tell me what your app name is so I could download it and check it out.

Hi Kara, we're currently using 2 NOW apps... one for news and one for traffic.   You can find them here:

Overall been very happy with the experience.  Best part is that the articles include most everything that a use would see on the desktop version of the article (related items, maps, inline Tweets, etc).  They've been very stable, and the display and menu structure is very easy to change in the Blox CMS.  Very pleased so far.  Audience acceptance was mixed - but we expected that since it was quite a change from our previous app.  Happy to answer any other specific questions.