How to determine how many online readers have a subscription?
Hey folks, hoping this is an easy one. Is there a way in Statistics to see:
What percentage of our online readers are logged in?
What percentage have an active subscription?

I looked for this for quite a while several months ago and couldn't find a place that says "Your site has X total subscriptions." Which is pretty disappointing. This is the only workaround I've found...
I've saved that search as "Total subscriptions" in Subscriptions and then I look at the bottom right and it says how many results. I don't think this is exact because it doesn't match the numbers here...
I'd like an official way from TownNews to say "At this moment how many active subscribers do I have?"

Hi Nick!
This is available under Statistics -> Analytics -> Subscriptions. There is a report available for New Subscriptions, Renewals, Expired, Active, total revenue, and a summary report.
In addition, these can be saved and sent daily, weekly or monthly to a user. (So, for example, you may want to send a weekly report to your circ director to let them know how the online only subscriptions are going.)

Unfortunately if you're site(like ours) has multiple subscription services like CSV, free subscriptions, paid subscriptions you have to select each service in the dropdown. I would think somewhere would display all active subscriptions across all services.
We're in the process of giving all print subscribers online access free, which will help minimize the number of services.

If you look at the "summary" report, all active subscription types are shown there together.

I appreciate all the responses.
What I'm actually looking for is a statistic that says:
"For the past month you had 100,000 unique visitors. Of those, 10,000 of them had active subscriptions."
I already know how to find our current active subscriptions, what I really need to know is how many of those subscribers are actually visiting the site in a given month.

The number of subscribers actually visiting the site in a given month is information that we would interested in knowing too.

Hi all,
This sounds alot like the kind of information that could be extracted from the AAM tracking logs. These are basically logs that allow AAM to confirm your circulation numbers for site access. We make an entry every time a user that is loggged in and has a service accesses otherwise restricted content. Basically these are your subscribers accessing the site.
I have heard of sites that have created a script to ingest these csv files and provide the information you are looking for, like how many of the subscribers are visiting the site in a given month.

There has got to be an easier way.
Since BLOX already has this information, can't a new report be created to easily display it?

Knowing you have 1,500 people who have activated an account but no clue at all how many actually use it is frustrating. We should be able to run a report of subscribers who have visited in in the past X days.

We have some basic reporting planned as phase two of the AAM logging feature. Initially these are needed by AAM auditing purposes as AAM needs these raw logs for this. I will update he when I have a more concrete timeline for the release.

Would it not be more useful to have this information in Google Analytics rather than in BLOX? If we were to add support to log back to GA that a user is logged in and/or if they are under an active subscription, would that not better satisfy this question and pretty much any combination of questions related? For example, you would also be able to ask questions like - of those users, what percentage used mobile - and what percentage of those users used iPhone vs Android? You could also see the break down of users by section - or pretty much any other data point GA is collecting.

So what we really, actually need is for when the website checks to see if someone is logged in, value is written to the GA code as a custom variable. 1 or 0. Logged in or not.
Then, in GA, we can run a report of user sessions and then filter by logged in or not which, in theory would give us a good idea of the usage our subscribers get out of the site.
I mean, seriously. Most of us have paywalls, but we have no idea how often people who subscribe use the site. Its a total guess. It would be nice to see if the trouble we are going through to gain subscribers and to get people to bind accounts is really paying off.
Without a user identifier passed to GA, we can't tell how often a subscriber comes back. But I can do without that for now.
Should be relatively easy to get the basic number as outlined above.

Custom dimensions could be used to track the logged in state of the user. It's also possible for us to look into tracking users more directly with GA's user tracking:
This may be needed to actually provide more useful conversion reports with ecommerce activities (such as a paywall). The ID can also be synced with the logged in user so cross device activities are better tracked.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Nick!
This is available under Statistics -> Analytics -> Subscriptions. There is a report available for New Subscriptions, Renewals, Expired, Active, total revenue, and a summary report.
In addition, these can be saved and sent daily, weekly or monthly to a user. (So, for example, you may want to send a weekly report to your circ director to let them know how the online only subscriptions are going.)