Simon, we ran into this same problem earlier this week. Specifically First Name and Last Name were not being enforced on user signup. As a result we have a little over 10,000 users in the system with these fields blank.
I filled a support ticket and they were able to fix it on our site for new users going forward.
One of the things listed on that article you linked to is that users may be able to edit their profile later and remove their name. We'd like to see an option that prevents users from removing or editing their First and Last Names at a later time. It makes it hard to have a "real name policy" for comments if users can so easily bypass the system.
I filled a support ticket and they were able to fix it on our site for new users going forward.
One of the things listed on that article you linked to is that users may be able to edit their profile later and remove their name. We'd like to see an option that prevents users from removing or editing their First and Last Names at a later time. It makes it hard to have a "real name policy" for comments if users can so easily bypass the system.