Your comments

I think this is a good thought. Maybe an option to:

1. Delay social broadcasting/posting by X minutes.
2. Queue social broadcasts and don't push more than X every X minutes.
3. Queue social broadcasts and only push them between the hours of X and X.

Something along those lines could be helpful for publications that post things online in batches and want to spread the information out over time on social media.
That's what I assumed. Thanks for confirming and letting me know it is already on the request list.
Greg, good suggestion, thank you.

The problem is that it would then prevent the story from flowing into other blocks that are set to exclude assets with the Breaking flag. So the story would then basically disappear from the site.
Just came to request this exact same thing. I was hoping the custom property "blox_grid_single_column" would work for a static page but it doesn't appear to do so.

Has any progress been made in the past 11 months?
I agree. The way Wordpress handles permalinks is great. Allowing you to see them and even edit them from within the post (asset) edit window.
Thanks Christine, any thoughts on adding the OG Description tag?
Hey Christine,

The problem we have in regards to revisions is that BLOX only allows us to see changes for the previous 10 edits. We have several users who are in the habit of saving after every little change. In these cases we can end up with 30+ edits to an article asset, and the last 10 all happened within a 5 minute span.

This means we can't see when a major change was made, because the only revision history we can view in BLOX are minor spelling corrections.

Let me know if I didn't explain that well enough.
Thanks Kyle. Unfortunately trying to get our staff to remember code like that isn't going to happen.

The problem to me is a UI consistency issue. The field is a mutli-line text field that allows a user to enter hard returns, but then doesn't display them on the front end how they look on the back end.

This is confusing to users since the Body Copy field below it does behave consistently. If the Byline field is only intended to be a single line the UI should be changed to be a single line just like the headline one above it.