Your comments

is there a way to export poll results in a csv? Or see which users engaged with the poll/ participants?

Thanks guys! Do you mind showing an example of the php script used?  Do you think I could do something to capture user signups? 

We would like to export so we can link businesses to business owner data records (internal database) for data enrichment.  How can I export the businesses?  Right now when I go to export it will only let me export 1 page at a time and not the full list.

Also, what vendor does TownNews use?

Hi Maureen,

Where you able to figure this out?  We too would like better data exporting and ways to enrich our data.  
We currently use Airtable and Zaiper.  We are going to see if we can setup a webhook to update records this way.  Please let me know if you figure out a solution to your original question. 

Did you ever figure this out?

Hi Peggy,

I would be happy to help.  Shoot me an email 

I too vote for this.  We have over 50 properties around the United States and this is something we would all like to use. 

Hi Maureen,

I think this is awesome!  Can you share the code with me as well?

@W. Rags. Would doing this affect SEO?