Your comments

Domain access works, it just requires you clean it up every once in a while. So if you grant access to a schools domain then users with that email extension will get access. So it does work. 

The problem is once the user validates their email address the first time nothing ever checks to make sure it's still valid. So the clean up process essentially is to periodically delete all the user accounts for the domain and make them create new ones.  (you could get a list and go through it deleting anyone not currently on the list, but at that point you're better off just using the CSV.) The downside of  this is you can't reuse deleted screen names and it cause confusion among the users.

The cleanest solution would be simple:
Select a user / group of users and click "Reset to Pending" - It would send out the same/similar activation letter you get when you create your account and if they click the link they have access again. Even cleaner would be setting in the service that would do this to accounts automatically according to a schedule.

Example... Say I give domain access to I can go to users and search for, select everyone, and choose reset to pending. - Everyone who is on the list who still has a valid email address at that domain receives an email that says.
Thank you for being part of the OHS team. As part of the team you get free access to our community newspaper. In order to continue access you will need to revalidate your email address. Please click here to do so....

Or better yet... the Domain service is set to revalidate every 12 months and does it automatically.

Bridget, welcome on board... 

Yes we could do a csv and do the work to maintain it
Yes we could go through and delete all the existing user accounts and just tell people to make new ones 

I am well versed with importing and exporting users.

None of those are really the point. The point is the "Domain" access was really sold as a convenient time saver and it really isn't in it's current form because it backloads the work to cleaning up the list instead of frontloading it to the setup.

If we could initiate a revalidation process (you know when you setup a user account and it is not active until you verify receipt of an email) - Or automate it so it has to be done once a year either based on a setting in the service (everyone revalidates at the same time) or based on an anniversary in the user profile. 

Christine, Rich, Where are you?

Ticket number 712942... from three years ago.

This is an issue... and should be an easy fix.

if you are implementing the "Domain" service simplly have a button that  "invalidates" all subscriptions using that service and sends a new email to everyone one the list ...

If you wanted to make our lives even easier you could automatically remove any accounts that bounce back as non-existent. 

We (at your suggestion) implement domain access for NIE, some corporate accounts, and for access for employees. Now management want's to move to other methods (which means jumping through hoops getting accounts setup which means it wont be done) because ex-employees and ex-students are still listed. 

I actually just created articles for each employee on the list ... but yes it seems like all the pieces are in the system to automate this if there was just a way to put them together. 

No Marc, I don't want your software to be just like NEP. There are many things about tcms I like much better than NEP and in general searching is a big one... however in this one specific part of searching I feel you have an issue...
Yes there are work-a-rounds, yes you can tag yourself, but this is one of those things that makes me wish I could revisit the choice to go all one domain. I'm sure it doesn't seem cluncky in a domain with 5-10 pubs but with 40 people are stepping on each other.

Upvoting this.. We are almost through our go live with TCMS and one of the things I was looking forward to was having the final version of a story replacing the TEASER/preview/Breaking article in our blox sites... However this seems convoluted as hell unless you want every version you save after the teaser to have those saves reflected on the web...

Like some of the idea's i've seen here but my initial thought was if you save an asset that's already been saved to the web a popup comes up and say's "A previous version of this asset has been posted to the web, Overwrite with these updates" Y/N

That way the reporter can work on the story and make saves, the editor can edit the story and make save, and then whomever's job it is to send the final article to the web simply says YES... no need to remove site tags or mess with workflow.

I'm just an IT guy and not a paginator but our paginators already have issues with some photographers cropping images way to tightly. The photographer does not always know the size of the block pagination needs to fill. I could get behind this 100% if the crop was non destructive and there was a way to uncrop on the page 

I suggested the domain method ... but around here the entire school system (students, teachers, administrators) all have the same domain and management wasn't about to give access to every employee at one of the counties biggest employers free access.

Keep it coming he says...

Free services...
Well because it's free it doesn't ask for billing information like Name, address, phone number, etc

But if I am giving something away for free I might want that information in exchange for it. NP, right there on front tab of the service is "require delivery address"
OK check that ... boom subscription requires I fill it out... EXCELLENT! (insert Mr smithers)  
Notification shows up... no name no address no phone. Doh!
Hmmm... there's a check box on the subscription form that says (save info to profile) maybe that will work... No apparently this box will update the profile but only with entries in the billing info (you know the fields that are hidden because this is a free service) - So after looking at docs and searching I found where the delivery address does show up ... In View Subscription ... You know what doesn't show up anywhere I can find, the First and Last name from the delivery address... Doesn't go to the profile, doesn't go to view subscription, isn't put on the notification .... apparently if you want to know someone's name you have to charge them.

You can check with Filby on this one. I am experiencing occasional and inconsistent issues with rates. If for example the rate is $9.95, on a few occasions, on a few different domains, the rate will be saved as $9.949999994359 (per filby) or some odd amount off by a sliver of cent. If you try to edit the rate to expire it, it compares the rate it's displaying $9.95 to whats in the database $9.949999994359 determining they are different and errors, not allowing you to save the changes. I have found that if you don't open it, but simply select and remove it it usually will "expire" it without an error. Of course this isn't very helpful if you wanted to time this to occur at another time.

However if you plan to have that rate roll over to another rate... there's another set of issues.  1. You need to have new rate setup first (well duh). 2. You can't simply enter the new rate and save and close it. You actually have to exit out of community / subscriptions and go back in. Then the system will see it. 3. It complains when you enter a new rate with the same name as a currently active rate. 

So just expire it and then after the fact go in and say rate rolls over to the new rate... No Dice... Error because it sees the rates as different... 

So yeah there's a work around. Create the new rates with a new name, save them, close them, exit subscriptions, go back in, "Remove" the old rates having renewals roll over to the new rates with the new names and then if the person you are reporting to is OCD about such things, go in and rename the new rate and hope that it's not saved in the database to some fraction of a cent ....

Note i've seen this on somewhere between 10% and 20% of my rates that weren't whole numbers. Filby's suggestion "Round your prices up." Did I mention my OCD boss.