Your comments

I have to disagree with your ticket system idea.  A ticket system is cumbersome for admin management of contacts, subscribers, and advertisers, especially if it auto-emails them to the account holder.  These groups don't need a copy of each and every note you put into the system.  They often times shouldn't have those notes anyway.  It should be kept separate from any ticketing system used to user/customer/client contact.

Subscriber management is part of the core.  Having the ability to keep notes about your subscribers, and your advertisers, is a must for any Contact Management System.  Even Wordpress, Joomla, and many other of the website content management systems have this built into the core. 

This would be nice, any updates?

Our in-house system has this, and it would be nice to add it to the BOX system as we migrate over to it.

Problem is that you can set the cookie, it just won't remember it the next time you arrive since it won't store it to the drive.  I've explored this one on several occasions, and that is 90% of the cause for this type of issue,

It would be nice if this could be rolled out for any and all forms. as well.