Your comments

I would like to add to this request and ask that classifieds/AdOwl allow for a promo/coupon codes. Would be nice to track response rates of our own marketing initiatives by offering specific discounts to select audiences. i.e. Social followers allowed % off of ads. 

Today I created another form that could be even better if our paper could follow-up with readers after their submission to us. I see that it's been 3 years TN customers have been waiting for this basic service of being able to add text or customize email receipts on all forms. Yes it's nice to have in AdOwl and Marketplace, but this is needed on all forms!

We would also like this feature for Marketplace Classifieds - We offer multi-image classified ads.  When customers want to place the ads over the phone (and send images by email) we have to upload the images 1 by 1 if we want them to be classified image assets. 

Wondering if there has been any update on this topic. While Blox now allows some very basic customization of AdOwl receipts, still looking for the opportunity to customize the Event/Calendar automatic responses and responses from general form submissions. We are missing the opportunity to upsell/cross sell and inform our customers and readers of other ways to engage with our paper.

I like this idea. That would eliminate the same ad (or campaign) from appearing multiple times on 1 page if that is not desired because they would all be part of the "package". Additionally impression levels could be set by campaign and not simply by ad. These features are available in other ad servers. Should be made available in Town News as well.
I also had this problem when we ran a poetry content on our site. You need to switch to editing the HTML and remove the <p> tags and replace with <div> tags.

Hope this helps