Your comments

Hi Kevin,
I would love to see that search ability as well. But for now I just use the following to do keyword searches (using your keyword example):

tag_keyword: "Mardi Gras 2015"
Since we are looking at TCMS I want to ask has this been added yet?
We used to have that in our home grown software. The customers loved it.

It was one thing I really wished Sports Stats had when we were using the software.
Any progress on a closings application?

With the winter months coming up FAST I'm going to have to code my own version.
CSS is okay if you are doing one or two pages... but when you are doing many it gets tedious. It should be a url custom property that is inherited.
I like the idea Jacki. We are an umbrella newspaper and I've used the custom "exclude_sections" to the text field max on the site index block.
The last few days we've had a massive water issue in our area. We had businesses that were having to close do to no water and we could have used a system like we were talking about in this thread.

Is there any news about a closings program or is it still under review?

Hi Christine,
Sorry for taking so long to respond... I'm swamped.
The manual process is out due to the volume of photos we upload on a monthly basis. June was a slow month for us and we still were in the 1000+ range. It would just take too long to do a batch upload of watermarked photos and then go back into each individually and upload a unmarked high resolution version.

The JavaScript would keep the oldest of our users from taking the photos but the issue came up when other media outlets were taking the photos. Unfortunately the population in our area is young due to college and military base... and this day and age the young are pretty tech savvy.

It may be something that BLOX may want to incorporate in the future.. similar to how flickr does the watermarking.
