Your comments

Sometimes I forget to make the collections live or the photos within them live. Are they showing up in the preview mode? 

Did anyone ever address this issue. We have been dealing with this issue. It's a major pain. We need a way to batch upload photos and not have the slugs stripped out.

I think this great news. I agree with you on how you outline the process above. I also like the idea of a delete button.

I also like Kevin's idea of limiting the time they have to edit their own post, but I think they should have longer than 5 minutes.

We agree! We have a very active blogging community. We'd hate to lose that. We'd much rather see an in-house solution than have to integrate a third-party vendor.

The submit an article form is so generic it's almost useless. You're right, something like this WYSIWYG editor would be a great improvement.