Your comments

Good to know. We are working on a Flex transition right now, so that takes care of it for me personally.

I can to ask this as well. As more and more browsers start phasing out Flash the need to upgrade the video player on our site will become increasingly important.

Just an FYI, the browser extension recommended at the 33 minute mark of this webinar, Ghostery, causes display issues with the FLEX Slideshow: Carousel block. (Support Ticket # 608649 has details.)

Thanks Maureen, that looks like it'll do the trick. I just had to go grant myself access to that setting so I could see it.

This brings up an interesting idea; what about an option to force a user password change upon next login?

This way we could set it to something generic, then the system will make them change it to something of their own choosing when they use it.

That's the part that makes me twitchy. Good job laying out the issue.

While I could see this being useful, the thought of the feature does make me twitchy. Brice's solution of just telling them to reset it also works to take us out of the loop quicker.

Unfortunately our CSR's are in the habit of asking readers for their passwords so that they can login as the user to troubleshoot problems. I hate it in principle, but I guess the reality of it is that having the password doesn't really expose any information or give the CSR's access to something they don't already have.

There has got to be an easier way.

Since BLOX already has this information, can't a new report be created to easily display it?