Your comments

Thanks Christine. The first option wouldn't work since we're using Social Broadcast to automate the posting.

The different preview image sounds like it would be the best option when it becomes available.

We're working on getting all of our mugshots entered into TCMS so they can be attached to articles as needed so combined mugs would break this workflow.

Nevermind, I see now. I really like that y'all are taking advantage of the Let's Encrypt service to give every site a free SSL certificate.

Can you elaborate on what the change noted above means in the short term? For example what URL would our site have now for redirect HTTPS links like forms?

Just saw this in the release notes email:

The secure URL for sites will now change to a domain-based URL (, instead of the URL ( For customers who have custom code, please review to ensure that there are no dependencies on the old URL.

Thanks for the thoughts. Here is what I was working on:

Trying to duplicate this Lifestyle section front PDF (paywall loophole URL) in a more web-friendly format.

Here is what I came up with: Part 1: Under Pressure It is not perfect, but it'll have to do for 2 AM.

I got around the preview image problem for our home page by using the Collection that'll eventually hold the entire series. Since I can assign a preview to a collection that works well.

The only problem it has left me with is that the entire Collection description is displayed in our front page slideshow where we normally see the Summary from Articles. (See below)

I guess it could also be nice for Collections to have a Summary tab in addition to the Description tab. This way a more succinct summary could be given while leaving room for a longer description on the actual collection asset page.

We frequently push Collections to Facebook as well and we usually do get the normal preview image like you are expecting. I'll keep an eye out when I do the next one just in case.

We haven't switched to Flex yet, but I agree this is an important request.

Even slower results display would be faster then having to repeat the steps over and over.

I'd settle for incremental results options (25, 50, 75, 100, etc.) but honestly don't see why the interface couldn't allow you to specify the exact number of results you want to see like is pretty standard these days.

The other solution that would work in my mind is the ability to see more than 25 results on a single page. I do have a feature request in for this.

I run into the most when trying to build photo galleries with more than 25 images.