Your comments

Any idea of a timeline for it? It would be nice if we could tell customers the feature is coming "in the next few months."


Joe, could you provide a link to the site where you saw this?

We started out with DoApps in 2011 then switched to Whiz in 2015. Definitely an improvement.

Two downsides: They can't do metering (and I have never heard if that is on their roadmap), and they can only do a primary sort, but not a secondary sort (so, you can sort by "priority," but not "priority, then last modified date"). The latter might be a Blox limitation instead of a Whiz limitation.

Anyhow, Whiz is very responsive and easy to work with.

I'm curious if you do find a metered solution. Good luck!

I have entered a feature request for this. So, hopefully Blox can make it happen.

Facebook used to offer it, then took it away. I just noticed it is back, but I can't find any large news outlets that is using it yet. Doing a search for comment mirroring shows that many people are having trouble getting it to work. I don't know if it is worth pursuing yet.

Yes, I recently added it to our site:

I had no issues setting it up.

Sure thing.

This is our app home page feed:[]=_zapp*&f=rss&fulltext=ourpassword

You can see the search here:[]=_zapp*

I don't know how long you have been on Blox, but if you want priority stories at the top, then you have to sort by REVERSE priority -- from highest priority (say, 3), down to null priority (blank).

If you make your top three stories priorities 1, 2 and 3, you cannot sort in a feed with 1 being the top story. Blox considers an empty priority as higher than a 1 priority. So your empty priority stories will appear at the top, then at the bottom would be priorities 1, 2 and 3.

Frustrating, yes. But, that's the best feed I could come up with to do what we want to do (which is to always ensure photos are at the top of our app home screen).

I feel your pain. Unfortunately, you are able to use only one type of sort from Blox to Whiz. The rest of the sort is random and cannot be controlled.

I have tried and tried to make it work by sorting by priority then time, but it simply can't work. I chose to go with a priority sort to ensure stories with photos appear at the top of our app.

Hope that helps!

Are there any updates on this bug? I am using several forms for political candidates to answer questionnaires.