Your comments

Creating individual assets sounds like a pain compared to just making and embedding a Google map. I do generally like the idea of multiple locations, though.

Perhaps adding a location brings up a little modal where you input the information for the location. It's then added to a list inside the asset's location panel?

I customized our code to do this at However, I'm thinking that TownNews didn't turn this on by default perhaps because they were afraid of taking a performance hit from having the page have to query Facebook for the comment count.

I honestly haven't had time to delve into it yet. I'm looking for a holiday project though...

You're going to want to use the macro tpl_customCssOverwrites(skin). We put this into a file called css.utl inside our site component.

Inside that file, if you escape yourself out of UTL, you can put in whatever CSS you want and it gets inserted into the head of the rendered web page. To use the CSS instances, you'd simply do something like this:


macro tpl_customCssOverwrites(skin);

if skin == 'skin_name'; %]

/* do CSS */

[% end;



Bootstrap 4 is going to have flexbox built in to its grid. Perhaps TN will adopt BS4 and give us some better vertical column options.

If you have template access, you could stash an article-specific CSS file in your global folder and then modify your article display template file to load a specified CSS file based on a custom property.

For example:

if this.asset.custom.stylesheet;'global/resources/styles/articles/'+this.asset.custom.stylesheet+'.css');

Assuming you're on Zen templates instead of Flex, you could simply create a new content.article.html.utl file in your global folder, copy the contents from the core version of the file, and insert the above lines of UTL.

In this example, on the "other" tab of an asset, you'd create a new custom property called "stylesheet" and give it a value that equals the name of the CSS file you've inserted into a designated spot in your global folder. (I have the stylesheet call adding the ".css" to the end, but that's optional.)

Downsides here? It breaks the content.article.html.utl file off the upgrade path. But... if you're using Flex templates, you could do the same thing with one of the opt_ macros without having to modify a core file at all.

We run into this issue quite often with customers. It's often the first question I ask people when I get on the phone with them. "Are you, by any chance, browsing in any sort of private browsing or incognito mode?"
Can't say I'm a fan of the font choices on the sites (Tahoma has never been a favorite of mine), but I do really like the look of the static background image on
I have a feeling is has something to do with us also launching e-editions, which I think has inflated our pageviews some. (Not that I'm complaining.) Certainly, though there has been an increase in non-e-edition traffic too.