Your comments

It's probably not listed. We plan to provide a revamped job mechanism for editorial import that will have a UI - much like we've done for classifieds. The jobs panel as it is currently built has too many hidden options and is not self-documenting.

If the target parser is tncms then you should be able to set the authors property to the screen name, email, or UUID of the user. This can also be comma-delimited for multiple authors to be assigned.

We have this idea in our backlog and hopefully is something we can prioritize up for development for this either this quarter or the next.


Instead of using the maximize Rich Text Editor button - have your or your newsroom ever tried to just maximize the asset editor window? This accomplishes a few things:

  1. It increases the size of the rich text editor for the main content, summary, and tagline
  2. The save button is still present on the screen and can be used directly
  3. Drag and drop of assets can still occur from the tab interface on the right

The only real down-side is that it does not give the full screen - but with a sufficiently large desktop resolution, this should not be an issue.

As an aside, if we added support for an auto-save feature, would users feel less compelled to click save as often? An auto-save feature would keep a draft version around so that less revisions are being made and some form of recovery can occur if the browser crashes or the window is accidentally closed.

Alright, we'll consider this issue officially addressed at this point.

Not really - most of the docs for BLOX are provided on the This document probably should get migrated into the help site at some point.

Hey Kyle - we actually ended up recently removing this tag from appearing on the news sitemaps - the reason is that Google was reporting the sitemaps are invalid in webmaster tools. While that aspect got rolled back - higher precision publicate dates with times was kept which may be the cause for the improvement.

We made a release of the Flex templates on Tuesday, Nov. 15th that included the upgraded Bootstrap. Are any of you still receiving reports from customers about issues?

CSV is not a recommended way to load assets into BLOX - producing a NITF XML document is preferable and provides the ability to pass custom properties:

The BLOX Classifieds Standard XML format is documented as part of a larger import and export guide. Here is the relevant section about this format:

That document covers other import formats such as NITF and how to tune that for ingestion in BLOX.